Corso base di arte contemporanea a Roma

Questo corso è disponibile anche:

Corso base di arte contemporanea a Roma di Corsi Corsari.

La nascita dell’arte moderna: dall’Impressionismo alle avanguardie storiche.

It is in the second half of the nineteenth century with the Impressionist movement that modernity bursts into painting: times change, the daily life of the city and the light of the countryside conquer a role that was considered impossible until today. And with Monet, Degas, Renoir and his companions, the way of dealing with color and brushstrokes also changes. This opens the way for the movements of the twentieth century: Expressionism which winds its way between France and Germany in a very different way; Futurism which exalts modernity up to the explosion of the irrational of Dadaism and Surrealism.


  • Impressionism: from the pioneering experience of Edouard Manet to the dissolution of the brushwork of Claude Monet.
  • Expressionism: the differences between Matisse’s France and Kirchner’s Germany.
  • Futurism: Boccioni, Balla and the Italian avant-garde between speed and dynamism.
  • Dadaism: a transgressive and transversal movement was born in neutral Zurich during the First World War.
  • Surrealism: Dalì, Magritte, Max Ernst and the link between painting and André Breton’s surrealist theory.

The course will end with a view of the National Gallery of Modern Art.

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INFORMAZIONE IMPORTANTE: al momento i corsi in programma a Roma non sono disponibili.

Corso base di arte contemporanea

Dove: location da definire
Quando: da definire

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